Hacemos las cosas un poco diferente

Nuestras Prácticas Regenerativas

Mucha gente habla de agricultura regenerativa, pero la definición puede variar dependiendo de a quién le preguntes. Para nosotros, la agricultura regenerativa es un enfoque para cultivar alimentos que se centra en mejorar y restaurar la salud del suelo, la biodiversidad y la resiliencia del ecosistema. Las prácticas varían según la finca y la región, pero seguimos cinco principios fundamentales:

Contenido desplegable

Cover Cropping

Cover crops are plants grown primarily to protect and enrich the soil rather than for
harvest. They help prevent erosion, improve soil structure, suppress weeds, and
provide habitat for beneficial organisms. Cover crops also enhance soil fertility by
fixing nitrogen and increasing organic matter when they are incorporated into the

No-Till Farming

Tilling the soil can disrupt its structure and lead to erosion and carbon loss. No-till or
reduced tillage practices minimize soil disturbance, preserving soil structure, organic
matter, and beneficial microbial communities. This approach can improve water
infiltration and reduce soil erosion.

Rotación de Cultivos

Crop rotation involves systematically changing the type of crops grown in a specific
field over time. By rotating crops, farmers can break pest and disease cycles, reduce
the build-up of pathogens, and improve soil health by diversifying nutrient demands
and root structures.

Composting and Organic Matter Cycling

We don't use any pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers. Composting involves
the decomposition of organic materials like crop residues, manure, and other plant
waste into nutrient-rich humus. Adding compost to the soil increases its organic
matter content, which enhances water retention, nutrient availability, and microbial

Agroforestry and Perennials

Agroforestry is the practice of integrating trees and shrubs with crops and/or
livestock on the same piece of land. By incorporating perennial plants into the farm,
it increases biodiversity, provides habitat for beneficial organisms, sequesters
carbon, and helps reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.

Our Publications

We are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with the community. Here are our three key digital publications on regenerative agriculture:

Support from Consell d'Eivissa

We have received significant support from the Consell d'Eivissa in the form of the following aids:

Contenido desplegable

Aid for promoting the use of biodegradable materials in agricultural mulching

In modern agriculture, plastic sheets have become an essential tool, optimizing technical and economic results, improving the commercial quality of horticultural crops, and providing significant benefits such as water management savings and reduced use of fertilizers and pesticides. However, the environmental impact of plastic at the end of its life cycle is a major challenge.

To address this issue, at Juntos Farm we are committed to innovation and sustainability. We use bioplastics made from potato starch to retain moisture and reduce weeds in our crops. This approach not only benefits our plants but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future for Ibiza.

We have applied for assistance from the Consell d’Eivissa to promote the use of biodegradable materials in agricultural mulching, which would allow us to continue innovating and promoting sustainable agricultural practices that protect our environment.

Aid for organic farming

This support is crucial for our farm and would allow us to continue improving our regenerative practices and acquiring essential raw materials such as seeds and organic fertilizers.Practices like these are fundamental to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal, which aims to have 25% of the European Union’s agricultural land be organic by 2030. In Ibiza, currently 12% of the agricultural land is in organic production, and although we are making progress, we still have a long way to go. We are convinced that a regenerative approach is the path to a more sustainable and resilient future.

Aid for the conservation of traditional local cereal varieties at risk of genetic erosionand traditional dryland fruit trees

In Ibiza, traditional local varieties form an integral part of the island's heritage. These varieties, adapted to the local environmental conditions and rich in genetic diversity, have been increasingly displaced by modern varieties. Although these modern varieties often offer higher productivity, they come with a significantly reduced genetic base. The loss of these traditional resources leads to a diminishment of our cultural heritage and the traditional landscapes of Ibiza.

Recognizing this, the Consell d’Eivissa has prioritized actions aimed at conserving these traditional varieties. This year, at Juntos Farm, we are leveraging this support to plant fig trees, which are iconic dryland fruit trees and a hallmark of Ibiza's traditional agricultural landscape.

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