We do things a little differently

Regenerative farming is all about working with nature to create thriving local systems. At Juntos Farm we don't just grow food. We're creating a living lab in the heart of Ibiza that brings together all aspects of a local food economy from cultivation, transformation and community. We're breaking down the boundaries that separate us from the source of our own nutrition and celebrating every step of the process from farm to plate.

The future is regenerative

A lot of people are talking about regenerative agriculture but the definition can vary depending on who you ask. For us regenerative farming is an approach to growing food that focuses on improving and restoring soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience. Practices vary depending on the farm and region, but we follow five main principles:

principle one

Cover cropping

Cover crops are plants grown primarily to protect and enrich the soil rather than for harvest. They help prevent erosion, improve soil structure, suppress weeds, and provide habitat for beneficial organisms. Cover crops also enhance soil fertility by fixing nitrogen and increasing organic matter when they are incorporated into the soil.

principle Two

No till

Tilling the soil can disrupt its structure and lead to erosion and carbon loss. No-till or reduced tillage practices minimize soil disturbance, preserving soil structure, organic matter, and beneficial microbial communities. This approach can improve water infiltration and reduce soil erosion.

principle Three

Crop rotation

Crop rotation involves systematically changing the type of crops grown in a specific field over time. By rotating crops, farmers can break pest and disease cycles, reduce the build-up of pathogens, and improve soil health by diversifying nutrient demands and root structures.

principle four

Compost and organic matter cycling

We don't use any pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilisers. Composting involves the decomposition of organic materials like crop residues, manure, and other plant waste into nutrient-rich humus. Adding compost to the soil increases its organic matter content, which enhances water retention, nutrient availability, and microbial activity.

principle five

Agroforestry & perennials

Agroforestry is the practice of integrating trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock on the same piece of land. By incorporating perennial plants into the farm, it increases biodiversity, provides habitat for beneficial organisms, sequesters carbon, and helps reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.

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